The Betrayal Of Alberta Continues To Worsen
The people of Alberta are being treated with a level of contempt and disrespect that is unacceptable in a country that claims to value everybody.
What kind of country would simultaneously shackle the economic potential of their most dynamic region, while constantly taking huge amounts of the wealth generated by that region?
Unfortunately, that country is Canada under Justin Trudeau.
The ruling against the Trans Mountain expansion, and the impossible approval process imposed by the Trudeau Liberals represents the worsening betrayal of Alberta.
And to get a sense of how systemic that betrayal has become, consider the fact that the government reserves the right to place all kinds of restrictions upon Alberta’s economy, yet feels totally entitled to take billions in transfer payments from Alberta and give it away to provinces that oppose the very industry that makes those transfer payments possible in the first place.
In a very real way, Alberta is being punished for the entrepreneurial spirit and work-ethic of their people, with the province being robbed over and over and over again.
Since Justin Trudeau loves “heart” metaphors when it comes to the economy, let’s consider Alberta as the heart of Canada economically:
The Trudeau government keeps pushing that heart more and more and more, while depriving it of the sustenance it needs to recover and grow. That can’t go on forever.
Canada is a nation with limitless potential. But for that potential to be realized, Alberta and Albertans must be treated with respect.
And respect doesn’t just mean some talking points.
It means ensuring Alberta can fully prosper and get their energy resources to market.
It also means that Alberta should be able to cut off oil shipments to any province that opposes the energy industry.
And finally, it means that we stop importing oil from foreign countries and ensure that Alberta oil (with Alberta well-compensated) is used to fuel our entire nation – along with oil from some of the smaller oil producing provinces.
Anything less than that represents the economic enslavement of Alberta, which is an absolutely disgraceful and unacceptable situation to have happen in Canada and which puts our national unity at serious risk.
Until Alberta and Albertans are treated with respect within Canada, our nation will never be truly strong.
Spencer Fernando
Photo – YouTube
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