The Green Hoax: A Globalist program to destroy Canada's Oil and Gas Industry
This week Federal Court of Appeal quashes approval of $9.3-billion oil pipeline expansion. What Canadians have to say: Barry Goode "This...
The $1.5 trillion global climate scam industry
Notice how they now use click words to get at your taxes ... yes it was global cooling, then it was global warming, then it was climate...
Ontario signs agreement to join cap-and-trade system with Quebec and California
TORONTO - The premiers of Ontario and Quebec and the governor of California (Globalist crew) signed an agreement Friday to create the...
Carbon tax gouged Ontarians out of $1.5B so far in 2017
Did you know Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s government has taken $1.5 billion extra out of our pockets since the start of this year? By...
Canada Now Investigates 'Climate Deniers'; Trudeau, Soros, Podesta Seek Globalist Tyranny
Canada’s Competition Bureau, an organization with $50 million in annual funding from Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s government, is...
Beware! Wynne government aims to phase out natural gas for home heating using climate change hoax as
Ontario government not denying report on sweeping climate change plan By Mike Crawley, CBC News Posted: May 16, 2016 Ontario's Liberal...
Premier Brad Wall releases statement on suspension of Energy East pipeline project
Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall has released the following statement in the wake of the suspension of the Energy East pipeline project:...
Carbon tax to shrink economy by $3 billion, hurt loonie, study warns
In case the people of Canada have not realized this, the goal of the current Government is to destroy Canada, it's economy and to remove...
The most comprehensive weather modification timeline and geoengineering research on the internet!
"Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it." Welcome to Weather Modification History (WMH), the world’s most comprehensive...
Fact Checking - UN New World Order Agenda 2030 for the Enslavement of Mankind
The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters. Part...