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Trudeau vows to stay the course to destroy small business

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signalled Wednesday he is open to compromise on his government's plan to tighten the small business tax regime, but he pledged to largely stay the course as he looks to collect more revenue from some of the wealthiest Canadians READ MORE:

To give you an idea of what Canadians are saying following are comments taken from the above article.

  • William MaCarthur

That generalized answer from the Trudeau Liberals when pressed on what they were doing to prosecute wealthy Canadians and corporations involved with fraudulent offshore scams concocted by their pals at KPMG, has proven to be BS. The fact is that 1/2 billion in new money the Libs gave to CRA to allegedly pursue offshore tax fraud is really being used to harass average Canadians while the Liberals quietly shut down all investigations into the secret deals for the rich doled out by commissioners and managers at our Canada Revenue Agency while ignoring their very cozy relationships with the corp that facilitates this fraud on Canadians, KPMG. The Liberal PMO just hired a KPMG exec last spring in fact. Well done Wayne Easter, Liberal committee stooges are almost the equal of the laughable Harper fraud Cons

  • Hank Hanrattay

My son is a Doctor and he has decided to move to the US (His wife is US citizen) and abandon his own country because he says he will not work 60hrs a week to give 50% of his income to Justin Trudeau and his Liberals to blow on themselves and their own self serving interests! Thanks Justin!

  • William MaCarthur

Tax reform is needed but you have to wonder why the Trudeau Liberals deliberately avoided going after the tax evasion by wealthy Canadians and corporations screaming out for prosecution after being exposed in the Panama Papers and investigations by grunts at CRA that revealed KPMG facilitating fraudulent offshore schemes. The Doctors need to ask Trudeau and Morneau why those Parliamentary Committee investigations, led by Liberal MP's, were quietly shut down.

  • PD Matthews

"While deficits are often inflationary and always pernicious, curing them by raising taxes is equivalent to curing an illness by shooting the patient." - Murray Rothbard I intend on taking my business out of the country if these backwards "tax reforms" get pushed though, and thankfully I work in an in an industry where I can leave this oppressive tax environment at the drop of a hat. This government doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a massive spending problem. For those who whine and cry that the wealthy must "pay their fair share", the top 1% of earners pay more than 60% of the total tax collected. It's not the wealthy that are greedy, it's the government and the people that have become dependent on handouts that are the greedy ones. The income tax is a regressive tax, much like everything else the regressive left rams down our throats. It's time for substantial tax reform and a re-think about the role of the federal government in Canada, because it's getting totally out of hand and moving in completely the wrong direction. We need a tax revolt in this country.

  • Patrick Dool

Getting the message out better? We understand these Liberals perfectly. What people may not understand is business of every kind including doctors will raise their prices and fees to pay for the Carbon-tax JT Liberal tax hikes. The cost of doing business is included in the price of service and goods. Taxes are costs imposed by Government upon business and people pay them plus the GST for everything we buy. Another cash grab on all consumers and also screwing the middle and low wagers at the same time. A brilliant plan hatched out by Liberal-Socialists to hammer the Canadian consumer. Basically the Carbon Tax JT Liberals will be raising prices on all goods and services and blaming it on "greedy businesses" if/when this tax is implemented. Typical Liberal BS painting people horrible and uncaring all who do not want to pay more tax. That Liberal "fairness" mantra is BS too.

  • bill chagwich

and they made fun of Harper;s cash registers,not so funny now,small business tax going ahead.carbon tax being FORCED on provinces,and all this directed at the MIDDLE CLASS and all those taxes that were in the last budget,liberals hard at working over Canadians

Stephen McCallum shared National Post's post.

36 mins ·

There are so many destructive aspects to Trudeau's cynical small business tax reform plan. He is lying when he says he is going after the wealthy 1%. He is lying when he portrays doctors and small business owners as wealthy, greedy, tax cheats. Trudeau is creating a phony class war between Canadians - nurses against doctors, employees against employers - to justify a nasty cash grab - to pay for a bloated, failing, underfunded public pension plan that only benefits 20% of Canadians. Small businesses owners must survive in the real world - without job security, benefits or pensions. They need dividends, retained earnings etc. to survive from year to year and grow their businesses and build their own pensions. Entrepreneurs and small business owners (including doctors) should be celebrated -not vilified. These people are taking risks, working insane hours, creating jobs and paying lots of taxes! Trudeau's small business tax reform plan must be stopped. If the govt. suspects that some people are cheating, fine- audit them and punish them. But don't take away all the important tools that small business owners need to survive, compete and grow.

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Nova Scotia, Canada

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